
Shop I Drop Pur Gel 10ml

I Drop Pur Gel 10ml



I-Drop Pur Gel is a preservative free artificial tear that is recommended for patients with moderate to severe dry eye that helps lock in moisture.


What Makes I-DROP® PUR Unique?

The Viscoadaptive property of I-DROP® PUR contains 0.18% HA with added glycerin. This formulation allows the drops to move back and forth across the surface of the eye with every blink, allowing for a longer residence time. It offers a higher hydration capability and stabilizes the lipid layer of the tear film, resulting in superior comfort to the patient.
Their sophisticated one-way valve dispenses 1 sterile dosed drop at a time (no wasted product) and eliminates any chance of the product re-entering the bottle. The anti-bacterial tip ensures safe, sterile delivery of each drop. When the drop is dispersed, there is a distinctive blue tip which facilitates “aiming” by the patient.


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